The 2023 New Jersey Judo State Championships were a huge success! Over 350 competitors from all over New York, New Jersey, New England, and Canada competed against each other in a thrilling tournament. Tournament director and National Judo Coach Tony Camal was instrumental in hosting this event, giving back to the judo community by empowering judoka to have fun while challenging themselves. American Judo provided essential support for the event by covering registration, bracketing, technology setup, mats, staffing—not to mention medals and special rings! Let's take a look at what made this tournament so successful.
An Impressive Lineup of Competitors
The 2023 NJ State Championships were one of the most competitive tournaments in recent memory. From kyu belts to black belts competing in individual divisions, it was an impressive sight to behold. The tournament also featured performances by some of the top dojos in the area including Darfight, Camal Judo, Cranford Judo, Yawara Force & Taifu Judo. This impressive lineup of competitors created an exciting atmosphere that kept spectators engaged throughout the day.American Judo’s Support
In addition to supporting its own athletes with registrations and bracketing services, American Judo also provided invaluable support with setting up technology for online streaming as well as providing mats and staff for on-site competitions. This allowed spectators from all over to watch their favorite judoka compete live. American Judo also provided medals and special rings for winners at all levels which added a unique touch to this year’s event.
The 2023 NJ State Championships were a great success thanks to Tournament Director Tony Camal’s vision for giving back to the judo community by empowering judoka from all levels. With its helpful contributions such as providing brackets & registrations service; technology setup; mats & staffing; medals & rings; American Judo helped create an unforgettable tournament experience that will be remembered for years to come! We'd like to thank everyone who came out and supported this incredible event! Here's looking forward to more amazing events like this one!