Part 5 - Jimmy Pedro Teaches You How To Free Your Leg And Secure The Pin!

Jimmy Pedro - Learn How To Pin In Judo

Jimmy Pedro Learn how to secure a pin in judo

Tori getting his leg entangled during a newaza exchange is a common sight in judo competitions. There are those who will just wait for matte to be called so they can stand up and do upright judo again and there are those who make the most of the situation in order to win on the ground.

Jimmy Pedro is one of those guys who never let an opportunity like that to pass. He has won many matches by disentangling his leg from uke’s. Considering how often this kind of situation happens in judo, it’s a surprise that how to disentangle a leg is not more commonly taught.

In this video, Jimmy shows how to secure upper body control over uke, which is essential, and what needs to be done with the legs in order to free yourself from the clutches of uke’s legs. He also demonstrates drills that can be done to improve your reaction and transitions. This includes a section on “play” judo — a semi-randori where uke is defending and resisting, though not at 100%, in order to make it more realistic.





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